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Victoria’s Craft Breweries & Distilleries make for a Delicious Vacation

Victoria’s Craft Breweries & Distilleries make for a Delicious Vacation

On occasion, we leave the four walls of our stores and like you, enjoy some well-deserved R & R.

Our most recent vacation took us to Vancouver Island where, when not drinking amazing coffee (such as at whose postcard we pictured) and eating great meals, we took the time to engage in rigorous research and development with some of our Victoria area suppliers.

Even on vacation, we’re always thinking of ways to educate ourselves and our staff on the unique products we stock at 5VINES so we can pass that experience on to our customers. Without further adieu, here’s a smattering of spots we recommend visiting when you are in Victoria. Is a vacation to the island not in the cards anytime soon? 5VINES stocks the following producer’s products at our stores.

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Vancouver Island Brewing Company –
40 Years of Craft Beers

VI Brewing is one of the O.G. breweries in BC, long before craft beer became a thing. A long lineup of tanks at Vancouver Island Brewery.(Images by Spencer Brown)

“While nowadays having a neighbourhood brewery/taproom is as ubiquitous as having a corner store, any self-respecting craft beer drinker should experience pioneers like Vancouver Island Brewing Company who took the risks that inspired others to brew for the craft beer cause.”

Originally founded as Island Pacific Brewing in Saanich in 1984, a relocation to Victoria in 1996 also came with a name change, to Vancouver Island Brewing Company. VIB was not only custom-built but also the first brewery in downtown Victoria since Labatt demolished its brewery in 1982.

While nowadays having a neighbourhood brewery/taproom is as ubiquitous as having a corner store, any self-respecting craft beer drinker should experience pioneers like Vancouver Island Brewing Company who took the risks that inspired others to brew for the craft beer cause.

VIB proudly embraces the retro vibes with a warm, wood-panelled taproom covered with photographs and paintings of Vancouver Island’s scenery. Not to mention a collection of beer memorabilia showcasing their 40 years of history. Be sure to pop upstairs to check out the eye-popping fermentation tanks. Feel free to order a flight from the 14 beers on tap, including 3 taproom exclusives. Or you can order a pint served in an appropriately vintage dimpled mug and snack on an empanada while sitting on their patio.

While nowadays having a neighbourhood brewery/taproom is as ubiquitous as having a corner store, any self-respecting craft beer drinker should experience pioneers like Vancouver Island Brewing Company. Who took the risks that inspired others to brew for the craft beer cause.VIB proudly embraces the retro vibes with a warm, wood-panelled taproom covered with photographs and paintings of Vancouver Island’s scenery. Not to mention a collection of beer memorabilia showcasing their 40 years of history. Be sure to pop upstairs to check out the eye-popping fermentation tanks. Feel free to order a flight from the 14 beers on tap, including 3 taproom exclusives. Or you can order a pint served in an appropriately vintage dimpled mug and snack on an empanada while sitting on their patio. Visit them on Instagram.

Sheringham Distillery –
Terroir Gin All-Stars

The non-descript industrial park setting belies the spirits and liqueurs carefully crafted inside. Images by Spencer Brown

Sheringham Distillery offers a captivating journey through the flavors of Vancouver Island. Their core range, showcased during a distillery tour, includes the award-winning Seaside Gin, crafted with sustainably sourced kelp and boasting a gold medal at the World Gin Awards. Complemented by Beacon Gin and Raincoast Gin, the trio collectively captures the essence of the island’s sea, mountains, and forests.

Beyond their exceptional gins, aspiring mixologists will find a treasure in Sheringham’s rhubarb gin liqueur, a harmonious blend of local botanicals. This Vancouver Island gem has garnered international acclaim, reflecting the distillery’s dedication to quality and innovation.

Founded in 2015 by the husband-and-wife team of Jason and Alayane MacIsaac, a chef and marketing expert respectively, Sheringham Distillery was at the forefront of British Columbia’s burgeoning craft distilling scene. Embracing the province’s mandate for 100% BC agricultural products, the distillery has become a cornerstone of the region’s spirits industry.

Images courtesy of Sheringham Distillery website

Located in Langford, 25 minutes from downtown Victoria, the non-descript industrial park setting belies the spirits and liqueurs carefully crafted inside. Given the founder’s culinary background, Sheringham’s focuses on balanced, approachable and enjoyable bottles. Just like any good recipe. Upon entry, you’ll be greeted by the diminutive still Sheringham started with, which built the new facility you’re standing in. On the counter, you’ll see Sheringham bottles with gold medals proudly resting around their necks.

You can sample lemon gin liqueur, coffee liqueur or sirene chocolate liqueur to their collection. We were also fortunate enough to try the new Sheringham Whisk, which has yet to arrive in Alberta, but fingers crossed! Visit them on Instagram.

Note: The distillery is intimate, so call ahead if travelling with a large group and plan your visit before rush hour traffic begins around 3 pm on weekdays.

Driftwood Brewing –
Fat Tug’s Home Port

If you love IPAs, you’re already acquainted with Driftwood’s flagship Fat Tug. Like that beer, Driftwood’s history is rich and complex. Begun in 2008, they surprisingly launched with two Belgian beers and a pale ale. Fat Tug arrived as a permanent offering in 2010. Partners Gary Lindsay, Jason Meyer and Kevin Hearsum have seen Driftwood grow in demand; Fat Tug is available as far north as Whitehorse and enjoys a dedicated following across Canada. 

A vibrant tap list showcasing a variety of craft beers.
No trip is complete without sampling at least one flight.
Images by Spencer Brown

That popularity spurred Driftwood to open a new facility in Esquimalt, a mere 15-minute bike ride from Victoria. It incorporates a taproom, patio, kitchen, and all brewing and canning operations under one roof. There’s lots to appreciate here: from the small-batch beers produced on the brewery’s pilot system to the gins Driftwood began distilling in 2022, to any of the 15 taps available, and finally, the dumplings available from the kitchen via Victoria’s Dumpling Drop. 

Brewery tours are recommended so you can appreciate the care and consideration Driftwood has put into its future, not to mention the obvious enthusiasm, and sense of humour, the employees share for their jobs. Visit them on Instagram.

Thank You: Patrick at Ethos, Zach and Jordan at Vancouver Island Brewing, Meredith at Sheringham, Gary at Driftwood and Lee and Alisha at Select. We appreciate your help and hospitality. 

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